Frequently Asked Questions.
If you do not find your answer, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

  1. How can we locate our driver upon our arrival?
    Please note that your driver will waiti for you in the arrivals hall of the Airport, upon exit of customers, holding up a sign with your name on it. In case you will lose your luggage, please come outside to advice your driver so he will not leave without you, and we will not charge you any extra costs. The customs police will allow you to re-enter the lost and found zone.
    For the arrivals at the Train Station, you will meet your driver at the beginning of the track, when your train will arrive, holding up a sign with your name on it.

  2. Are we required to tip our driver additionally?
    Tip is not included; in Italy, tips are not mandatory but are appreciated.
    You tip the chauffeur if you really enjoyed the service, average tip is 10% but there are no rules, you can give more or less according to your satisfaction.

  3. What happens if our cruise ship skips port of call?
    If the cruise ship does not dock due for any reason, it is not your fault and we will no charge any fees.
    If your cruise ship docks in a different port, for example Naples Port instead of Sorrento Port, the tour will be automatically re-scheduled, (time permitting) however there will be an extra fee due to the change of port.

  4. What happens if my flight / train / boat / ferry is delayed?
    We monitor flight / ship / train / ferry information to have our driver waiting for you at the correct time of arrival, with no additional cost.

  5. What if I lose my flight / train / boat / ferry?
    In case of schedule changes, please contact our office as soon as possible.
    Eurolimo is not liable for missed flight / train / boat / ferry so, in case of no show, cancellation policy will be applied

  6. what is your cancellation policy?
    Unless otherwise notified, a written cancellation notice must be received by us at least 2 days prior to the date of the service;
    No charge for cancellation until 48 hours before the Service scheduled time;
    50% for cancellation between 48 to 24 hours before the Service scheduled time;
    80% for cancellation less than 24hours before the Service scheduled time;
    For last minute cancellation (less than 4 hours before) or no show, the full amount will be charged.